7 Secrets to Finding a Good REALTOR®

1.  Interview two or three REALTORs®

Do your due diligence before deciding on the professional that you will trust to sell your most valuable asset and will protect your best interests during the process.

2.  Don’t be seduced by the size of their inventory

There is a misconception that the number of listings an agent has is an indicator of their sales ability. Your home should be strategically showcased in the agent’s advertising, not blended in with 20 other listings for the purpose of self promotion. The focus should be on selling your home, NOT on attracting new Seller clients.

3.  Ask to see data supporting their suggested list price

Recently sold homes in your area will determine the market value of your home, not active or expired listings. It’s often a self serving practice by “some” agents to suggest an unrealistic price in an attempt to win your listing. Over pricing is an absolute disservice to the client as it results in the property selling for less than market value after many stressful months.

4.  Don’t hire a REALTOR® who doesn’t have time for you

Can an agent give first-class personal service to 20 different Seller clients at the same time? I would argue no. Hire someone who will personally show your home to all potential buyers, personally keep you informed of the activity on your home and personally answer their phone when you call, not have their assistants do it. After all, who did you hire?

5.  Ask their average number of Days on Market

A listing will receive the most activity within the first three weeks on the market. This is when a correctly priced home should sell, assuming that it shows well and has had maximum exposure. After that, the interest declines along with the likelihood of you getting top dollar for your home.

6.  Don’t settle for an average marketing plan

There are over 1500 homes for sale in Greater Vancouver so yours has to shine from the start and be given maximum exposure to other agents and buyers. 90% of buyers search for a home online so choose a REALTOR® with a multi-platform marketing strategy that includes a strong web and social media presence.

7.  Ask their average Sale to List Price Ratio

When a home sits on the market for a long time, you are often pushed to accept a weaker offer, or give up. A good agent will not let it get to this point; they will negotiate a better offer in the early stages by using strategy and hard numbers that support your asking price.